IEEE-1394, also known as Firewire or iLink, is a versatile, high-speed, and low-cost method of interconnecting a variety of computer peripherals and consumer electronics devices. FireWire provides a direct digital link between up to 63 devices, with transfer speeds up to 400Mbps. Digital Video (DV) camcorders, scanners, printers, videoconferencing cameras, and fixed-disk drives can all share a common bus connection not only to a PC, but to each other as well.

The IEEE-1394 6-port Hub is an essential device for connecting your many IEEE-1394 peripherals. With the 6-port IEEE-1394 hub, you’ll never have to swap FireWire cables again! Plus, you can stack up to 12 hubs to create up to 49 powered Firewire connections. Perfect for digital editing, camera transfers, scanners, or any FireWire peripheral.


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